D’s Monumenta

We’ve talked about the famous stripe master Daniel Buren (see our previous post here) back in December and we are happy to announce to you that the master has been invited to present his latest work at the famous Monumenta of the Grand Palais now in the City of Light. Monumenta is a renown international contemporary art invitation to artists from around the world to share their work and vision at the gorgeous Grand Palais in Paris since 2007. The amazing Palais had also invited Anish Kapoor last year (see our video entitled Swollen ART here) and many other amazing artists that we highly recommend you to go and experience for yourself. It is one of those rare experiences that are hard to put in words. So we won’t even try it.  Hurry, you only have it until June 21, 2012, to get a feel of this monumental art.
Grand Palais
Avenue Winston Churchill 75008 PARIS
(M)Champs-Elysées Clemenceau on line 1 or 13
Everday except Tue from 10:00 am – 10:00 pm
Entrance: 5 €
A preview video of what you’ll be seeing and feeling

The master Daniel Buren

Photo/Video sources: 20min/rmngrandpalais